College Student &
Adult Services

Evaluation for College and High-Stakes Testing Accommodations

Dr. Schmidt completes the necessary assessments required to determine qualification for high-stakes testing accommodations for admission to college and graduate schools (i.e., ACT, SAT, LSAT, GRE, GMAT).  We understand scheduling can be complicated because college students often reside out-of-state.  Our office makes efforts to accommodate college student schedules (i.e., office visits during summer or school vacation, combination of in-office and virtual assessment).  It is important to be aware of the deadline for submission of materials to testing companies; please contact us to schedule 4-6 months in advanced of the deadline.

Clinic Screenings

Dr. Schmidt and her team offer shorter, cost effective evaluations that target a specific area of concern (i.e., ADHD, autism, Learning disability, anxiety).  The wait times for clinic appointments tend to be short.  In a clinic, you will be assessed for a targeted area of concern and then will receive written documentation of the results that can be shared with families, providers and/or work/educational settings.  Dr. Schmidt often provides follow up for her clinic clients after 6-12 months to gauge effectiveness of treatment interventions.

Our office has the following clinic offerings:

  • ADHD/Executive Function Clinic

  • Learning Disability and Dyslexia Clinic

  • Autism Clinic

  • Transition Planning for Adulthood Clinic

  • Anxiety Clinic