Frequently Asked Questions

  • A neuropsychologist is a psychologist with specialized training in how various brain conditions impact behavior, learning, cognitive processes and coping skills. Neuropsychologists conduct comprehensive evaluations to understand symptoms and provide treatment recommendations for a wide range of developmental, neurological and mental health disorders.

  • Comprehensive neuropsychological assessments at our office include: (1) a developmental, school and mental history from the caregiver(s), (2) review of educational and medical records, (3) observations in the school or vocational setting, (4) discussions and reports from teachers or other professionals, (5) approximately 5-7 hours of neuropsychological testing at our office, (6) a written comprehensive report that includes recommendations to guide caregivers, clients, educators and professionals to support the learning and development of the client, (7) a feedback meeting with the family/caregivers (and client, depending on age of client), and (8) attendance at one school meeting via a virtual platform or teleconference to aid in implementing recommendations.

  • Dr. Schmidt is able to address a broad range of developmental, neurological and mental health concerns, including ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia and other learning disabilities, language and auditory processing disorders, brain injuries and concussions, epilepsy, anxiety/depression and mental health concerns, genetically-based developmental disabilities and other problems that may impact learning and behavior.

  • Federal law states parents of a child with a suspected disability have the right to request an independent educational evaluation (IEE).  This is an evaluation conducted by a qualified examiner, such as Dr. Schmidt, who is not employed by the public education system.  An IEE can be obtained at public school district expense or at parent expense.  Dr. Schmidt works in an independent, neutral role and focuses specifically on the needs of her client being assessed.

  • Dr. Schmidt completes the necessary assessments required to determine qualification for high-stakes testing accommodations for admission to college and graduate schools (i.e., ACT, SAT, LSAT, GRE, GMAT).  We understand scheduling can be complicated because college students often reside out-of-state.  Our office makes efforts to accommodate college student schedules (i.e., office visits during summer or school vacation, combination of in-office and virtual assessment).  It is important to be aware of the deadline for submission of materials to testing companies; please contact us to schedule 4-6 months in advanced of the deadline.

  • (with grades, behavior, social interactions or frustrations that things are not has one would hope or expect them to be).  An evaluation at our office can provide clarity so that you and those that support you can forge a successful path forward.  For example, for children, this can mean helpful interventions in school,  For adults, this can provide understanding why one has trouble focusing, socializing with others or getting work completed,  No matter the struggle, an evaluation is often needed to identify the most effective interventions.  Sometimes this involves a diagnosis, which can be an important gateway to understanding symptoms and obtaining needed services.

  • Dr. Schmidt and her team offer shorter, cost effective evaluations that target just one area of concern (i.e., ADHD, autism, learning disability, anxiety). The wait times for clinic appointments tend to be short.  In a clinic, you will be screened for the condition you and Dr. Schmidt feel is on the table and receive written documentation of the results that you can share with your providers, families or work/educational settings, or just have peace of mind. If you pursue treatment or interventions for your diagnosis or if you would like progress monitoring, Dr. Schmidt will provide follow up assessment to gauge effectiveness after a few months.

    Our office has the following clinic offerings: 

    ADHD/Executive Function Clinic

    Learning Disability and Dyslexia Clinic

    Autism Clinic 

    Transition Planning for Adulthood Clinic

    Anxiety Clinic

  • This description is fine except for the last sentence. Screening clinics and consultations can provide more timely diagnoses and an expeditious tailored plans for support to help address targeted concerns more quickly.

  • Dr. Schmidt is an out-of-network provider.  Our office will provide written documentation with the required diagnostic and CPT codes so that you can file an insurance claim with your provider if your insurance company allows. When you speak to your insurance provider in advance about reimbursement, ask them about “neuropsychological evaluations.”

  • Please bring the following with you: drinks, snacks, glasses, hearing aides, comfortable clothing, and assistive communication/technology devices.   Other types of technology (i.e., phones, tablets, etc.), which tend to be distracting, should be silenced and put away.  At times, Dr. Schmidt may ask that all electronics remain in the waiting room.

  • We encourage parents and caregivers to model confidence and curiousity when describing what to expect at the office. Parents can tell their child that they will meet new people who may seem a little like their teachers at school who are friendly and welcoming. They are curious and like finding out what kids are good at and what they might need help with. Some of the activities they’ll do in the office will feel like school and others will feel like a game or a puzzle. There are fidgets that kids can use while they are working and prizes they can earn to take home if they works hard. Dr. Schmidt will speak to both of you together when you first arrive in the waiting room and she'll bring your child back to the testing office a few feet away.

  • Dr. Schmidt and her staff understand children can be hesitant in new environments. You and your child will be greeted warmly in the waiting room and we will ask some getting to know you questions during which you as the parent can model comfort and curiosity. We are experienced at putting children and families at ease and gauge when it is appropriate to ask the child to transition with us to the testing room, which is just a few steps away from the waiting room.

  • Dr. Schmidt understands many children have difficulty with transitions and unfamiliar people.  We gauge the child’s readiness to separate and get to work. Parents are in charge of their children while at the office and will be called upon to support their child through dysregulation if needed; parents are asked to remain in the waiting room while their child is being tested.  Our clients are welcome to bring transitional objects or helpful books, toys, fidgets or other items (non-electronic) to the office to help soothe and regulate them.  We also have some toys and fidgets available.

  • Dr. Schmidt’s reports are excellent and very thorough.  They include a review of medical/developmental histories and provided records, observational data, assessment scores, explanation and interpretation of results, and comprehensive descriptions of effective, research-based interventions for home, school and community settings.

  • As part of her comprehensive evaluations, Dr. Schmidt will participate in a 1-hour school meeting to review her report findings and recommendations.  This helps with translation of the report into helpful strategies and effective interventions.  Dr. Schmidt can also be contracted for additional follow up consultation, re-evaluation and work with families, schools and school districts.

  • Dr. Schmidt works closely with schools, families and professionals to serve the best interests of her clients.  This includes collaborating with teachers and families at IEP conferences and attending private school meetings or consulting with colleges/graduate programs to ensure needed accommodations and programming.  Dr. Schmidt is available for follow up after initial evaluations to monitor progress regarding programming, intervention and therapies.  Dr. Schmidt participates in training of schools and staff to program and teach in line with students’ diagnoses and needs.  She helps families and schools put together teams of qualified professionals to support her clients.